Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Max Karma In Fallout 3


Fallout 3 is a post apoptilitic Role-playing game and has a karma/morality system that affects game play.
There is a way to do a neutral karma path but theres no extremes and some aspects of the game wont trigger. Here are a few tips to maxing karma in Fallout 3.

Sticking with one side:

First off its always easier if you choose one path and stick with it. Trying to switch path mid game can be hard to get max karma because of certain plot elements that may have already fired in the game. Examine each karma moment and save often so if it doesnt go the correct path u can redo.

Avoiding a netural option:

While there is an option to stay in the middle on this game it is extremely hard because there are so many quests that affect karma in a big way. also its quite easy to gain karma without trying too. For example if you help people for a quest and your neutral u can gain good karma for saving someone. another example would be when you enter an occupied house and steal you gain bad karma. while not impossible to stay neutral its just unadvised because u have to balance your good and bad acts throughout the entire game.

Look and read up on all quests:

There are numerous online sources that give you infromation abotu quests and the karma out comes on them. One quest i know about is the tranquil lane quest if you do what the little girl wants you to do to get out you get lots of bad karma. However, there is a good karma option that people are unaware of. There is an abandon house that has clickable objects (all version pc and consoles) there is a certain order you have to click the items to get out. however i do not know the order but the information can be found on numerous sites.

Get advice from other players

If you are unsure which way you will want to choose you can ask your friends and other gamers about their experience playing the game. You can also ask others for some tips on the harder quests in the game as well as what are the benefits to playing one way over the other. always be polite and nice when asking so you can get a timely and nice response.

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