Fable is one of the more popular role playing games out there today. The player takes on the role of The Hero of Oakvale, whose destiny is determined by the player. Fable is set in a land once know as the Old Kingdom. ore spefically it takes place in Albion. Albion is a network of city-staes with lawless plains and forest between them all.
In Fable, a player's Hero has a measure of good or evil alignment based on the Hero's actions. Good actions award good points, which produce a positive alignment, while committing evil acts adds evil points, producing a negative alignment. (basic alignment/karma system) Also their are certain food items within Fable that can affect the player's alignment. As an example eating tofu will earn the player positive points, while eating crunchy chicks will earn evil points. also if the player prays at certain temples, it can affect alignment. how good or evil a character affects how the character looks and how the non-playable characters react to the player.
Buchanan, L. (2004, September 23). The Straight and Narrow. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from,0,988509.story
Fable Review for XBOX, 360 from (2004, September 14). Video Game Reviews, Cheats, and More. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from
Fable Review on Xbox - (n.d.). GameSpot is your go-to source for video game news, reviews, and entertainment. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from
Goldstein, H. (2004, August 27). Fable - Xbox Review at IGN . IGN Xbox: Games, Cheats, News, Reviews, and Previews. Retrieved December 2, 2011, from
Saltzman, M. (2004, September 29). 'Fable' weaves fun fantasy adventure. USA Today . Retrieved December 2, 2011, from
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